Welcome to Bay Hand Therapy

Bay Hand Therapy has been providing quality hand therapy services in the Bay of Plenty for over 18 years.

Hand therapy is the advanced assessment and treatment of hand, wrist, and elbow injuries by physiotherapists or occupational therapists who have undergone extensive post-graduate training.

Our team of passionate hand therapists have extensive hand therapy experience. We are well-equipped to provide advanced and up to date rehabilitation for our patients, helping them achieve an optimal outcome from their injuries.

We have a close working relationships with hand surgeons, general practioners, and other physiotherapists and health professionals. We accept referrals from these professionals, but also accept self-referrals and are able to fill out ACC claims forms on your behalf (in the case of an accident related injury).



Phone (07) 5779790 or email us at office@bayhandtherapy.co.nz for more information or click below to book an appointment



Tauranga Hand Therapy

Our Services

What we do

At Bay Hand Therapy Ltd we assess and treat injuries of the hand and upper limb (from the elbow to the finger tips) including:

  • sprains/strains
  • fractures
  • lacerations
  • tendon repairs/injuries
  • tendonitis/tendonosis
  • nerve injuries
  • amputations
  • replantations
  • crush injuries
  • burns
  • arthritis
  • gradual process
  • post surgical Dupuytren's release

We also see post-surgical patients - both elective surgery and trauma surgery.

Assessment and Treatment

On the first appointment an assessment is performed where we aim to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient.

An initial assessment involves taking a verbal history from the patient and then performing a physical examination on the affected part of the limb(s). It is from this history that a treatment plan and set of goals can be established.

Treatment may involve:

  • splinting (custom made thermoplastic or pre-fabricated bracing)
  • swelling control
  • range of motion exercises
  • passive stretches
  • joint mobilisations
  • soft tissues techniques
  • strengthening exercises
  • advice and education
  • activity modification
  • wound and scar management

Follow up appointments involve reassessment and treatment techniques as above.


Our Practice



Bay Hand Therapy opened in February 2007 in order to provide previously absent Hand Therapy services to the Western Bay of Plenty area. Recognising a lack of specialised hand therapy services in this area, Danielle Ellis moved back to her hometown and set up the practice. The practice has grown steadily and now employs 4 other Hand Therapists. 

We are centrally located at 57 Fraser Street (Memorial Park end). Click here for a location map. We also have a satelite clinic located in the Katikati Health Centre at 4 Clive Road, Katikati and Bespoke Physiotherapy at 4 Te Puna Road, Te Puna (from the 10th October 2022).


Our Fees

For an accepted ACC claim

From the 1st of October 2022, ACC co-payment charges and private charges will be increasing. Please contact the clinic for more information.


ACC Initial Visit co-payment fee         $35

ACC Followup Visit co-payment fee    $25 per visit

ACC Telehealth consult                      Nil charge


Visitors to NZ: All visitors to New Zealand are covered by ACC if you have an accident during your stay that causes an injury.

Private visits

Initial Consultation     $165

Followup Visit             $120 per visit

Plus charges for any materials and/or splinting


We also have Southern Cross Easy-Claim

Our Team

Danielle Ellis
Hand Therapist/Director

Danielle is a physiotherapist (MPNZ) and registered hand therapist (HTNZ).

Danielle is the director of Bay Hand Therapy Limited.

Mike Ellis
Hand Therapist

Mike is a physiotherapist (MPNZ) and a registered hand therapist (HTNZ).

Kyra May
Kyra May

Kyra started with Bay Hand Therapy in 2016

Evelyn Willmann
Hand Therapist

Evelyn is a physiotherapist (MPNZ) and registered hand therapist (HTNZ).

Susan Muspratt

Susan is a and physiotherapist (MPNZ)and registered hand therapist (HTNZ).

Kathryn Hay
Kathryn Hay
Hand Therapist

Kathryn is a physiotherapist (MPNZ) and registered hand therapist (HTNZ)

Contact Us


Bay Hand Therapy

Opening Hours:

8.00 am to 5 pm Monday- Thursday 

8.00am to 4.30pm Friday

Tauranga Clinic

+64 7 577 9790

+64 7 577 9791


57 Fraser Street
New Zealand

Katikati Clinic

+64 7 577 9790

+64 7 577 9791


Katikati Health Centre
4 Clive Road
Katikati 3129


Te Puna Clinic

+64 7 577 9790

+64 7 577 9791


4 Te Puna Rd
Te Puna